How to Use Chat GPT 4: Create a GPT

How to Use Chat GPT 4

As we explored ChatGPT 3.5, it’s time to explore ChatGPT 4. Embarking on mastering Chat GPT 4, a marvel of artificial intelligence, can be both exhilarating and daunting. This article will guide you through the intricate process of creating and utilizing a Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT). As the latest evolution in AI technology, Chat GPT 4 offers a vast array of capabilities, from engaging in nuanced conversations to generating creative content. Our guide will demystify the complexities of Chat GPT 4, making it approachable for tech enthusiasts. We will walk you through the fundamentals of setting up your GPT, including understanding the infrastructure and customizing it to suit your needs. Furthermore, we will explore the practical applications of Chat GPT 4.

How to Create ChatGPT 4

Create a GPT: From the left bar, select Explore. Next, click on Create a GPT.

How to Use Chat GPT 4

Conceptualize the Model’s Purpose and Capabilities: Define what the model should do, its capabilities, limitations, and ethical considerations.

How to Use Chat GPT 4
How to Use Chat GPT 4
How to Use Chat GPT 4
How to Use Chat GPT 4

Model Architecture Design: Choose a neural network architecture suitable for language processing. GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) models use a transformer architecture that effectively understands and generates human language.

How to Use Chat GPT 4

Training the Model: Use machine learning techniques to train the model on the processed data. This involves feeding the text data into the model and adjusting its parameters. Therefore, it learns to predict the next word in a sentence. Training a model like ChatGPT-4 requires significant computational resources, often involving clusters of high-performance GPUs or TPUs.

How to Use Chat GPT 4

Save your GPT: When you are done, you can save your GPT. You will see three options for saving – Only for you, People you can share the link with and Public. Choose the alternative that best suits your case.

Finalising the product: When you have saved your product, the tool will appear on the left sidebar where your menu is. It will immediately open up, so you can test and use it.

The Explore Section: When you click on the “Explore” link, you will see your GPT under the title My GPTs and the options of visibility, editing and deleting.


In summary, developing advanced AI models like ChatGPT-4 is a monumental task. Furthermore, it necessitates a blend of vast datasets, sophisticated neural network architectures, extensive computational resources, and a diverse team of experts. From conceptualization to deployment, the process underscores the importance of meticulous design. As we advance in artificial intelligence, models like ChatGPT-4 exemplify the pinnacle of current technological capabilities and highlight the ongoing journey towards more intelligent, responsible, and beneficial AI systems. The creation and evolution of such models signal a significant leap forward in our quest to harness the full potential of AI.